【同义词辨析】 2020-06-11 外在extrinsic-alien
extrinsic: applies to what is distinctly outside the thing in question or is not contained in or derived from its essential nature: sentimental attachment that is ~ to the house's market value. (如a complex interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors内外因素复杂的相互影响,如reasons extrinsic to the music itself音乐本身以外的原因,如nowadays there are fewer extrinsic pressures to get married现在来自外部的结婚压力少了)
extraneous: applies to what is on or comes from the outside and may OR may not be capable of becoming an essential part: ~ arguments that obscure the real issue. 如one is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material每个人都得苦读很多页无关的资料,如extraneous events in a story故事里与正题无关的情
foreign: applies to what is so different as to be rejected or repelled or, if admitted, to be incapable of becoming identified or assimilated by the thing in question: inflammation resulting from a ~ body in the eye. repel排斥to drive or force away; reject拒绝to refuse abruptly 如crime and brutality are foreign to our nature and our country犯罪和暴行与我们的本性和国家相背,如cruelty is foreign to her她生性不残忍,如foreign body/substance异物
alien: is stronger than foreign in suggesting such strangeness as leads to opposition, repugnance, or incompatibility: a practice that is totally ~ to our democratic principles. 如alien taboo外来禁忌,如an alien culture异族文化,alien beings from outer space外星人。和foeign比,alien有明显的贬义
extrinsic外在: 指明显外在,本质不同,extraneous外在: 也指外在,但语气变弱,可能转变为内在(essential本质根本内在),foreign外国异物的: 十分不同,导致排斥拒绝,无法同化吸收,alien异族异物外星的: 语气更强,导致抵制厌恶不容
记忆方法: 1)首字母EEFA想成A FEE一项收费<==外在
2)外在的意思是在某物以外mean external to a thing, its essential nature, or its original character.